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Brooklyn Knit Chick

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I love spring!

Springtime has put me in the mind of spinning again. Springtime always makes me want to try again. Next step, getting into shape. . . but for now, it's spinning. Last week I finished another 200 yards. Only one tiny problem. My spinning has gotten much better since I started, so I now have two totally different gauges.

So I did a gauge swatch first from one ball then from the other. REALLY DIFFERENT!

The bottom of the swatch is the older handspun (about 15 st/4 in) while the top of the swatch from the most recent (20 st / 4 in). . . hmmm.

I was going to use the handspun for a cardigan, so I'll either use the chunkier stuff for the back or the sleeves. Can't decide.

Upstairs in my knitting oasis, springtime is developing nicely. The Iris's have started to bloom

The strange wildflowers that came from nowhere are blooming

and the veggies are going nuts!

I'm still plugging along on the miles of stockinette of the Feather and Fan Cardigan, and the lace scarf, but I took a little detour to knock out a little one skein neck warmer for the shop. One of The Point's most popular yarns is Misti Alpaca. We introduced a one skein scarf a few months ago that was a huge hit, and now we have this cute little one skein neck warmer.

Here it is knit up in the handpainted chunky. SOOO soft

I also treated myself to three skeins of the amazing Alchemy Silk Purse. We just got it in last week and it's flying off the shelves. I'm going to make the Lotus Blossom Tank with these beauties

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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Life's ups and horrible downs

Life can be a crazy up and down affair. Sunday was one of my best day in ages, then Monday I got some devastatingly sad news about a friend, Tuesday I felt like crap all day, and today after some, shall we say, return of breakfast, I stayed home sick from work. After a nap and a shower I'm feeling a little better. Tomorrow is another day.

Getting back to Sunday. . . I finished my brother's freakishly large scarf (just in time for summer). This will keep him warm on the South Pole!

I also finished spinning up & plying my second skein of handspun. Here it is drying up on the deck

And posing in the sun amongst the plants on the roof deck.

On the other side of the skein you can see a few hugely fluffy, chunky bits. Ah well

Speaking of the deck . . . two weeks ago we planted our veggies in our amazing Earth Boxes! Check out two weeks of growth:

Broccoli two weeks ago

Broccoli now!

Zucchini, Peppers & Herbs two weeks ago

and now (huge plant in the middle is the Zucchini)

The lilacs are blooming and the Iris' are coming in:

Soon it was time to head over to Prospect Park for a little knitting outside with the Prospect Park Knitting Group. It was a perfect day. On the way I passed my favorite garden in spring time. There is a house whose yarn is filled end to end with tulips. Gorgeous!

My Feather & Fan Cardigan is to the miles of stockinette section . . . perfect for a knitting group. You can talk and not screw it up!

After a few dreamy hours knitting in the park I came home and decided to dust off the pasta maker. I haven't made pasta from scratch in over a year. I made a lovely basil fettucini and David came home and whipped up a fantastic spinach pesto. It was a perfect day.

I guess the perfect days wouldn't seem quite so perfect without the crappy days. I've had three kind of not so great days. I'm ready for my next good one.